A truth to remember in service
Lord God,
Unlock my heart,
Unlock my lips,
and I will overcome with my joyous praise!
For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance
or the sacrifices I might offer to you.
The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you.
You will not despise my tenderness as I humbly bow down at your feet.
Lord, I pray that you always find my life surrendered in service.
You don’t count the things I do. To calculate is not in your nature.
It is my heart that you long for.
I commit to be mindful of my intentions when I serve..
I am aware of the danger of self-service, self-magnification and promotion.
I know what it feels like to be divided in service and I never want to be in that unfulfilling and disempowering place.
This year, I wrote this reminder on my journal — when I worship, when I sacrifice and offer something that costs me, my heart should always be to glorify the One in the receiving end of the sacrifice, not [me], the one sacrificing.
Lord, when I serve, may You be the one honored and glorified.
Let all I do and all I am point people back to you, Jesus.
All credit and glory goes to you..for without You, all of these are in vain. All these intentions will be tainted and will be for self-gain. It’s all about You. The kingdom is not about my works, it’s all about the cross.
This is all for You.