Brave and free is such a bold declaration.
And every declaration requires active faith.
Weeks leading to this moment reminded me how I want to simply live my life — Undone. Open handed. Surrendered. Reverent and in awe like a child.
This is what it means to be brave and free for me this season.
There is no other way to attain this other than Jesus. He paid the highest price on the cross for my courage and freedom to be restored.
This is a time where it’s easier to fall into defeat, but we don’t live as those without hope. We know who God is and what He does. He is the God who walks with us in our own ‘freedom process’ and heals us from anything that keeps us in bondage.
We’ve been set free so we can be brave again.
I used to be afraid to kneel and lay down, but I found that this is what truly opens the door for genuine strength and authority. When I worship and catch one glimpse of heaven, dignity in the eyes of man no longer matters.
Courage looks a little different this season.
Courage is reverence.
Courage is surrender.
Courage is humility.
Courage is leaving the wrong battles behind.
It has been a season of recovery. Recovery is a powerful word, it carries so much weight and story. It leads me back to seasons of brokenness and weakness, moments where I have nothing else but Jesus.
Recovery begins when we welcome God’s invitation to come with Him, wherever He wants to place us. This season I’ve learned to abandon control and the anticipation of things not yet here. He knows where to simply place me. He holds the blueprint and knows exactly where I need to be at the moment. So I want to be faithful in my battle station and not prematurely arrive in a place I’m not prepared for.
And if it takes a thousand wilderness experience to understand God’s nature and the weight of my identity in Christ, then I will go. The Lord never says, “Go, you’re ready.” He says, “Go. I’ll go with you.”
I’m learning everyday to declare that there is a God who believes in me.
There is a God who is after my heart, not my work.
There is a God who crowns me with His confidence.
There is a God who reminds, “there is nothing left to prove.”
This song has carried me in seasons of striving and heaviness. I can’t emphasize enough how discovering who You are in Jesus changes everything.
I’ve tried so hard to see it
Took me so long to believe it
That You’d choose someone like me
To carry Your victory
Perfection could never earn it
You give what we don’t deserve and
You take the broken things
And raise them to glory
You are my champion
Giants fall when You stand
Every battle You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated
In the Heavenly place
With the One who has conquered it all
Now I can finally see it
You’re teaching me how to receive it
So let all the striving cease, oh
This is my victory
You are my champion
Giants fall when You stand
Every battle You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated
In the Heavenly place
With the One who has conquered it all
It all, it all, it all, it all
When I lift my voice and shout
Every wall comes crashing down
I have the authority
Jesus has given me
When I open up my mouth
Miracles start breaking out
I have the authority
Jesus has given me
When I lift my voice and shout
Every wall comes crashing down
I have the authority (yes, I do)
Jesus has given me
When I open up my mouth
Miracles start breaking out
I have the authority
Jesus has given me
You are my champion
Giants fall when You stand
Every battle You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated
In the Heavenly place
By the power of Your name
I am seated in the Heavenly place
With the One who has conquered it all
I know who I am, because I know whose I am, Hallelujah
There’s nothing left to prove
There’s nothing left to prove
He freely gave it to us
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice
Freely He gave
Come on sing
You are my champion
Giants fall when You stand
Every battle You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated
In the Heavenly place
By the power of Your name