Knowing Grace leads to Joy
“Joy” is a very special word this season. The heart of our net celebration this month came from a very personal place and leading.
Some time in February, in a short car ride going home, our Pastor told me that God will surely give me what I desire if I simply “delight.” The same night, this question lingered on my mind: “Lord, have I delighted in You enough?”
To be completely vulnerable, with all the hard and rough seasons I’ve been through this year — I almost felt I will never recover my childlike joy again.
But God is faithful when I am not.
He sees a way when I don’t.
He comforts when I can’t silence my cry.
He cares when I feel numb.
He showers me with His confidence when I feel unworthy to show up.
And He loves when I am tempted to give up.
The Lord has never, for a moment, turned his back on me. In every high and every low, He willingly dealt with my brokenness, weariness, questions, and doubts — He calmed my heart and showed me what Grace can do.
Knowing Grace leads to Joy
I am thankful for the bright light that came at the tail end of this month. It feels like a warm embrace. I notice that almost all my writings this month were all about Grace. I am moved by Paul’s life and his love for God, the people, and the truth of the Gospel. I resonate so much with his writings and I desire to be just as surrendered, just as laid down as him, next to Jesus.
This year, nothing has changed the posture of my heart other than the grace of God. It’s not the activities, not what I do for the church, and never the applause or approval of men. It is only by Grace. And this is the same Grace that restores my delight — the joy of my First Love, the joy of losing my life in service, and the joy of simply being in His presence.
I’ve learned that a person who truly understands Grace won’t have a room to boast or have hidden agenda. Grace always invites us to participate in God’s agenda and do what we’re made to do with all our might and strength, acknowledging that all the works of our hands have been blessed and empowered by a Gracious God.
I can go on and go on and talk about how much this Word means to me this season. I can’t contain it 😭 While reading Paul’s writings, I remembered Isaiah’s life. I finished the book of Isaiah last year, specifically in a season I was wounded, broken and deeply in need of God’s deliverance. Isaiah’s life is a testament that God’s grace purifies and sanctifies. When Isaiah felt unworthy to be God’s messenger because of his impure heart and filthy lips, He started to encounter God’s glory and grace..and his life forever changed.
As I write this, I realized that God is reintroducing His grace to me in many layers and ways — in different seasons and circumstances. Last year, I experienced a deep level of grief and brokenness and there was enough grace that caused me to recover my purity in service and sanctification to do my assignment. This year, the Lord reintroduced his gracious nature for my delight to be restored.
It’s amazing what Grace can do.
Thank you, Lord.