I know there’ll come a day when we sing upon these ashes
How Your beauty made this valley so delightful
And we’ll laugh upon that mountain
How this Everest of grief became our dance floor
Only time will tell
All the faithfulness
Of Your hand, Lord
All the joy we’ll find
In the wild delight
Only heaven could yield
Heavy as the sorrow is here
I know the Sower never wastes a tear
There are songs we sing by faith, and then there are songs we sing from having been able to see. I worshiped today singing each word from a place of knowing this truth over and over again in my life.
I’ve seen Him do it for me.
Those tears from a season no one would ever knew.
Tears from a place of hardship and reconciliation in our family.
Tears from what is by far the lowest point of my life ever.
There were moments in those tearful years that it looked so bad I was worried I would never recover, but somehow in the timeline of God, nothing stays the same forever except Him.
Seasons shift, tides turn, time passes, and tears dry up and will eventually be replaced with dancing.
It’s an interesting idea, how in the economy of heaven, tears are currency for joy.
The times you slumped on the floor weeping or sent yourself to sleep crying-all of those moments weren’t just seen, accounted for, and bottled in heaven, but they are raw materials that God uses to turn into something else.
And of all, God chooses to turn our tears into something so opposite of it.
And if in case maybe that in our lifetime we will not be able to receive in full the dancing for all of the tears we’ve shed, I’m certain there is enough space for endless dancing once we get to heaven.
Today I remember how God has been so faithful, true, and loving when I was not.
Thank you, Lord, for your endless mercy and for turning my sad tears to happy tears.
Written October 2023